Different Look at ADV/DEC NYSE

The symbol for advancing issues minus declining issues (NYSE) is data feed
The symbol for the AD line is:

JINT.Z for DTNiq feed

$ADD for Esignal

Unavailable for IB (use $ADD and refresh - will be delayed)


Thanks to 123 for the basis of the visual for TOC to play with :-)

And thanks to TOC for posting charts of the advancing-declining issues,
taking the time to help me set it up and answer my endless questions. His
template is also available for a different visual. From the posted charts,
the idea to combine the Bswing template (Can be downloaded through Ensign
internet) with the Bline with WMAs only template (On Dacharts).

This template is a combination of the two templates with a DYO added to
shade the bline study window for when the ribbons are above 80 with bline
rising or below 20 with bline falling. This is just a visual for the
triangles that the symbol likes to do when in a strong trend along with lost

Divergence is pretty reliable when comparing this to price. Trendlines,
measured moves and maybe even fibs are worth a look.

Take the time to look at TOC description chart with excellant annotations.
